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Now Available: Pay and Submit Your Award Nomination Online!


New Cost: $35.00

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The “Keeper of the Flame” Spouses Award

Throughout history, military spouses have made immeasurable and irreplaceable contributions to our Army. In addition to keeping their own “home fires burning”, during long duty days and even longer deployments, they willingly dedicate countless hours of hard work in the support of soldiers, soldier families and their military community.

Without question, our spouses’ devoted service to our Army and the country is distinctive and deserving of our undying gratitude. To this end, the Ordnance Corps Association has created the “Keeper of the Flame” spouses award.

Keeper of the Flame Criteria

The purpose of the Ordnance Corps Association’s Keeper of the Flame award is to recognize and show our appreciation for the invaluable service Ordnance spouses provide to our Corps.

Approval Authority:

Any member of the Ordnance Corps may nominate a deserving candidate for the Keeper of the Flame award. The approval authority is the USAOCA President.

Nomination Procedures:

Any member of the Ordnance Corps may nominate a qualified candidate for the Keeper of the Flame.
• Nominators may use the Ordnance Corps Association’s Keeper of the Flame nomination form or a reasonable facsimile. The nominator must provide a one-page justification, which articulates the candidate’s significant contributions to the Ordnance Corps, over a sustained period of time. The nomination form must also include the full name, rank, unit, phone number and mailing address of the nominator, and the endorser or approval authority as appropriate.
• Forward the completed nomination form and $25.00 for the cost of the award, shipping and handling to:
U.S. Army Ordnance Corps Association
P.O. Box 5251
Fort Gregg-Adams, Va 23801

• The nomination must be received no later than SIX weeks prior to the projected presentation date.
• It is expected that recipients will be presented the Keeper of the Flame during an appropriate and dignified ceremony.

Awards Nomination

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Award Nominations – The Keep of the Flame Award


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