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All Award submissions must be received SEVEN weeks prior to the projected presentation date

Award Nominations

 The Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe Award
The Ordnance Order of Samuel Sharpe Award
According to history, Samuel Sharpe was appointed to many positions in government during the very early years of this country. As the first settlers were arriving at the New World, many things would change about the government and life in general. The government of the Massachusetts Bay Colonies was resided over by a Governor, Deputy Governor, and a Council consisting of thirteen freemen. Mr. Sharpe served as one of these thirteen. He was also charged with the care of the “five pieces of Ordnance: that belonged to the colony.” This took place in February of 1628.
Keeper of the Flame
Keeper of the Flame

Throughout history, military spouses have made immeasurable and irreplaceable contributions to our Army. In addition to keeping their own “home fires burning”, during long duty days and even longer deployments, they willingly dedicate countless hours of hard work in the support of soldiers, soldier families and their military community.

The LTG Levin Hicks Campbell Distinguished Award of Merit

Lieutenant General Levin Hicks Campbell, Jr., was born in Washington, D.C., on November 23, 1886 and graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1909. He began his remarkable Army career in the field of Ordnance in 1911, when he was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Coast Guard Artillery Corps. Considered by many to be World War II’s greatest weapons designer and producer, he gained fame by heading the Ordnance Department through the days when the Industry-Ordnance Team began producing overwhelming firepower for World War II.

COL Wadsworth Scholarship

Colonel Decius Wadsworth was born on January 2, 1768 and graduated from Yale College with honors in 1785. On June 2, 1794, he was appointed by President Washington as a captain in the Corps of Artillerists and Engineers. He briefly served as acting Superintendent of the Military Academy and was later a merchant in Montreal, Canada. Colonel Wadsworth was selected to Commissary General of Ordnance July 2, 1812. On February 8, 1815, the Office of Commissary General of Ordnance was redesignated as the Chief of Ordnance.